MEGA performed a detailed topo and ALTA survey for the design of major capital improvements and additions to the Botsford Hospital campus in Farmington Hills, MI. The proposed improvements involved a parking structure, multi-level addition on the hospital and various site and parking improvements.
Topo & Construction Staking
The topo requirements included a Topographic survey, detailed underground utility investigation, Tree survey, 5-story level loop for providing tie-in elevations for each penetration point on the building. The structure inventory included over 160 manholes. MEGA was able to expedite the survey by having multiple crews onsite and multiple staff in the office drafting and processing the various data. The project was a success and MEGA remained involved through construction layout and as-built phases of the project.
298 Veterans Drive
Fowlerville, MI 48836
tel: 517-223-3512
Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed